Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Life is a ROCK!!!

For the whole week I sat and really thought of my life.  It feels like I have nothing accomplished and have pushed myself into the tightest corner that I cannot get myself out of, and is suffocating myself on ways to make my life better.  It seems like for everything great thing that I do, my life doesn't move from the spot that it was in.  Im looking all around me and im surrounded by my thoughts of accomplishments.  My life feels dusty that I cannot breathe, yet all I hear is pray to God and it will get better.  Yes, I am religious but it doesn't seem to work anymore with prayer.  I am not the type to ask for help, but would rather sink myself into depression with thoughts of suicide.  It is never about pride with me.  The only positive thought that I have is that "as much as I seem to have it bad, somebody else have it worst than me".  It is not fair to ask anyone for help because all you ever hear is "I don't have it, I have my own problems, I am worst off than you."  But when you get into deep trouble, you are looked at as the worst, or why did you do something so stupid, or what were you thinking, or you are too smart to get into something like that.  This is why I go through depression, because my life has a one step ending.  For every one step I take, it leads me to a dead end.  My life is a Rock!!!!
Signing out....

Drop the Mic....

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